Groomers and Pedophiles

April 5, 2022

Five or ten years ago, if someone called me a racist I would get angry. I would also be hurt that something I have said or done could be construed as racist. Today, however, being called a racist has little or no effect on many people because we have come to realize that this particular epithet has been weaponized by the small minded to be used whenever they have an argument falling apart due to the lack of facts or lack of I.Q. points.

This overuse is prevalent among those to the left of the political spectrum because they know it will shut down almost any debate, even if it makes no sense in context. Now these very same people, and even some on the right (looking at you, Never Trumpers) will try to convince you that grooming is not being practiced in our schools and for proof they offer the fact that we are calling it grooming. Just as they did with CRT, they will tell you this does not exist, even as we are witnessing it in action.

They are now telling us that we have used the term ‘groomer’ so often that it has become overused to the point of rendering it meaningless. I completely disagree. The term groomer may well reach that status at some point but we are not there now. I grew up in the 70s in Southern California and witnessed those that fought for acceptance of gay people. They were loud, they were in your face, and they sometimes went overboard. One big difference from that movement to this is the fact that the gay movement, as an a organized group, never came after the children.

The Parental Rights in Education bill recently signed into law in Florida bans, among other things, classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity for children five to eight years old. Left wing activist groups, left wing teachers, leftist politicians, and their acolytes in the media are in high dudgeon over this part of the law. In a normal world, one would ask why the aversion to something that sounds, to most people (by polling data), like common sense.

Teachers are in a position of authority over their students. These young people are tremendously malleable and are eager for the approval of the adults in whose care they are entrusted. As has become apparent during the lock-downs, too many of these teachers use the time they have with children to instill their own values and world views which are often at odds with the parents of these children.

As for grooming, that is exactly what is happening in our schools. It doesn’t matter what your motives are, if you engage an eight year old child in a conversation about sex and sexuality, you are grooming that child. You are teaching that child that sexually explicit discussions between themselves and adults are normal; they are not.

You will be told that calling these people groomers and pedophile supporters is wrong and over the top but whether they believe what they are doing is harmless, or even noble, they are grooming these children either for themselves or preparing them to be susceptible to others with overtly vile intentions.

Keep in mind that these are the same people that loudly (and correctly) condemned the Catholic Church for the sexual abuse they allowed by priests while completely ignoring the (more widespread) sexual abuse in the public school system.

So, yes, these people are groomers and pedophile supporters and they need to be condemned as such until they are no longer in a position of authority over our children. We need to stay vociferous and unapologetic in this fight because our children are at stake.