The World is a Much More Dangerous Place

March 26, 2022

North Korea very publicly just test fired its largest ICBM ever. Putin is on the march in Ukrain. China is moving on Taiwan by demanding the world acknowledges Taiwan as part of China. Iran seems very close to restoring the 2015 nuclear deal which would remove sanctions in exchange for almost nothing. The world is a much more dangerous and unpredictable place than it was just a few years ago. The reason for this global instability is a weak and acquiescent United States.
Joe Biden is a weak and acquiescent politician. He has been allowed by those in his party to engage in nefarious acts fir 40 years so long as he consistently voted the right way and would act as a public bulldog when his brighter peers wanted to avoid criticism for their stance on issues. Once such example is Supreme Court nomination hearings. Beginning with Robert Bork, they needed someone who would do the dirty work of personally attacking nominees and he was willing because he knew that was the only way for someone with his limited skills and shallow depth of knowledge on almost any subject to maintain the level of power that he enjoyed.

Barack Obama chose him as VP for precisely these reasons. He knew that he could mostly control Biden but also realized that when he went off-script it could be disastrous. As he reportedly confided to another Democrat, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up”

Now Biden has fumbled his way into the White House and the leftists that surround him are taking what they know will be a short-lived opportunity to force their most radical agenda items in the American people. Just a few years ago, we were energy independent, no we rely on energy from people that hate us. Just a few years ago, the Middle East realized unprecedented steps for peace and stability and now that is crumbling due to US policies. Just a few years ago, there was no sign of global conflicts and now there are serious people alerting us that nuclear weapons may be used in the not too distant future.

All of these things, and more, are a direct result of the policies put in place by Biden since he became President. Our domestic quarrels are so absurd that it seems they must be purposefully contrived as a means of distraction. Environmentalists urge us to eschew fossil fuels in favor of wildly unpredictable and expensive solar and wind generation while vilifying all nuclear energy including Gen IV safe power plants. Social justice warriors are trying to convince us that the word woman has no definition. Community organizers want us to believe that all rich people are evil. Heavily funded groups and prominent leftists want to use segregation as a means to end racism. The list of nonsense goes on and on and the debates only make America weaker and, as a natural consequence, the world a much more dangerous place.